Category: Shanghai ChinglishPage 1 of 2

Contraceptives Social Marketing

Anything can be Social Marketed

GE Intelligent Certificate of Completion

Taken in a print shop. Which letter is missing.

Carp Chinglish

…… for yourself, it should speak for itself.

Sex Health Protection Monopoly

………….Just another monopoly.

Talking Girl

…What does a Talking Girl talk about? And do they have non-talking girls as well?

You Can Cigar

The meaning of – to cigar – is?

Throw the Paper to the Garbage Can

…I tried it and it was fun.

American Humburger

..Just couldn’t resist taking this one. I’m sure it tastes the same.

Beautuous Nail

Window advertisement for a beauty salon

Well Intended Chinglish

The notice in the subway is well intended, the software program they used for the translation needs improvement.